DOT’s Priorities No Longer Include Truck Speed-Limiter Rule

On July 20, the Office of Management and Budget published a revised “unified agenda” that did not include the speed-limiter rule as a near-term agenda item for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Last August, both the FMCSA and the NHTSA proposed the rule to require speed-limiting technology in heavy-duty vehicles. However the Trump Administration’s aim to cut federal regulations has stalled the rule for now.

The rule would have required vehicles to limit speed.

An exact speed limit was never decided. DOT only proposed discussing “the benefits of setting the maximum speed at 60, 65, and 68 mph” and that it “will consider other speeds based on public input.”

Arkansas Trucking Association and the American Trucking associations opposed the initial rule because a maximum speed was not recommended and research was not done to determine the safest, most cost effective speed limit. American trucking associations’ Chris Spear criticized the proposal, “The various differentials in speed from what this rule proposes and what state speed limits are is dangerous.”

At the national associations’ 2016 Management Conference & Exhibition, Spear told attendees that the trucking industry shouldn’t be responsible for doing DOT’s job of recommending a maximum speed and that regulatory agencies had “the responsibility to study [what they’ve proposed] and come to a consensus about [setting] one speed and one national limit- not three speeds and no national limit [as is laid out in the proposal].”