Membership and Safety

The results are in!

Trucking Association Members Are Among the Industry’s Safest

New research from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) statistically corroborates that motor carriers who are active in industry associations are safer than both former association members and carriers who have never been association members.

It has always been anecdotally assumed that association membership supports safety through a variety of association services and resources. This new empirical research confirms the relationship between association membership and safety performance. 

ATRI’s research compared motor carrier crash and violation safety data from the FMCSA Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) for trucking fleets that held a membership status of either Current, Former, or Never members. The Current and Former member carrier status data came from a geographically representative sample of state and national trucking associations. A representative random sample of Never members was identified in MCMIS census data. Statistical tools, including the Welch’s Two Sample T-Test, were utilized in the analysis. 

Both the state and national data analyses found that current members of associations are involved in fewer crashes than former and never members and receive fewer violations per inspection than former and never members. 

The relationship between membership in industry associations and motor carrier safety is clear. When you join an industry association and take advantage of the networking, education, and best practice sharing opportunities, your fleet’s safety performance improves. 

Crashes per 100 Million Miles by State Trucking Association Membership Status


Current Members


Former Members


Never Members
ATRI is the trucking industry’s 501c3 not-for-profit research organization. It is engaged in critical research relating to freight transportation’s essential role in maintaining a safe, secure, and efficient transportation system.

Membership Improves Safety

Violations per Inspection

For a copy of the full report, please visit ATRI’s website at 

